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Course Work

Course Work : What I learned through my years of study

GPA: 3.82

Junior Year, Fall Semester (2020)

Cloud Architecture
User Experience Design
Operations Management
Business Communications concise and accurate
Business Development Strategies How to make a resume part II

Junior Year, Summer Semester (2020)

Financial Management
Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming in Python Python basics~ arrays/dictionary/list commands, some standardized structure and practices. Use of CMD to navigate, create, and run program files.

Sophomore Year, Spring Semester (2020)

Cyberspace and Society Investigating new developments in technology. Full website design and development using Html and CSS.
Embodying Pluralism Dancing is cool
Data-Centric Application Development website development programming using user input and integrating API(s). Also, Pulling in data bases and modifying data using JSON and JS. HTML and CSS basics also covered (to a limited extent)
Marketing Management
Intro to Risk Management and Insurance Basic actuarial functions, subjective vs objective risk. Risk Management Process and limited view of Insurance Process. Valuation of business insurance benefits and AMA requirements for biz.

Sophomore Year, Summer Semester (2019)

Intro to Visual Language, Draw Contour lines, still life, landscapes, shading, cross hatching, and creativity is a powerful tool
Managerial Accounting
Intellectual Heritage: The Common Good Communism doesn’t work

Freshman Year, Spring Semester (2019)

Financial Accounting Credits and Debits, how to read/write financial forms(including income statement, balance sheet, statement of cash flows), accounting cycle
Microeconomics Principles market structures
Data Analytics(MIS Course) SQL(intermediate skills), R coding(intermediate skills), clustering, visual displays, ERD skills(advanced)
Intellectual Heritage: The Good Life
Statistical Data Analytics(Stat Course) t.tests, determine whether an data is statistically significantly different then anticipated

Freshman Year, Fall Semester (2018)

Leadership & Organization Management structure of companies, how to examine a business
Macroeconomic Principles Supply and Demand, GDP and its many alternative forms
Information Systems Organization Swim-lane Diagrams, basic ERDs, necessity of technology in business, the need for businesses to evolve
The Future of Your TV TV history, and the future of multi-media, cord cutting and its potential effect on modern television market
Quantitative Methods of Business II limits, basic statistical analysis skills, some diagramming
Freshman Seminar How to make a resume part I


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