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It’s my life. Without soccer, I don’t know what to do. It’s my favorite sports and a power that leads me to live. Since I was a little kid, I started enjoying playing with the soccer ball due to my Dad’s influence. He was a college soccer player when he was younger, so he really wanted me to be a soccer player and I also wanted to be. I went to the middle school that has an amateur soccer team and I learned soccer from there. Having decent soccer skills helped me to make friends when I was just got into U.S. high school soccer team. Achieving goals such as winning matches, tournaments, and leagues, encouraged me to study harder, have a positive mind, and play harder. After I got into college, I played on soccer frequently in an intramurals team, with my friends and with Korean soccer league in Philadelphia.



A primary reason that I chose to pursue my career as an accounting is to learn the basic and major knowledge for the business, especially entrepreneurship. I love learning about business and constantly read newspaper about the business through The Wall Street Journal and Economists. As a student majoring business major, containing business knowledge and being capable in this field are necessary for me.

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