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Lead Data and Video Analyst

  1. Job Title – Company
    1. Lead Data and Video Analyst
    2. Temple Men’s Soccer is an NCAA Division 1 soccer team competing in the American Athletic Conference. During the Spring, the team was comprised of roughly 20 players and 4 other coaches.
  2. Job function (e.g., overall role, assigned tasks)
    1. Responsible for the management and partial interpretation of all video and data. This involved things such as making sure that cameras were turned on for training and the management of all Catapult GPS data.
  3. Examples of projects (e.g., list the projects you worked on and what you accomplished)
    1. On a daily basis, my responsibility was to send reports of practice intensity based on the GPS data reported by players. This was a very basic data visualization where player data for a variety of categories can be easily compared. During games, similar was expected although those reports were slightly more intricate as they usually represented our maximum level of exertion. I would also aid in the interpretation, helping the coaching staff know when our load was way too high or low and allowing them to tailor practices based on that.
    2. Further projects included creating a video database to help demonstrate tactical concepts and using various video analysis tools to help illustrate the desired points as well as cataloguing various moments within matches so that they could be referred back to later or at half-time.
  4. What you learned and how it relates to your major (e.g., describe what you learned from this experience in the context of specific courses)
    1. This position has been a great learning experience on how to manage processes effectively and the impact of a well managed database. Often I’d be asked questions and being able to call back to hard data was always better than just trying to make an inference or recall back to what the data was. This has been a theme across a few of my MIS courses but most recently my Cloud Architecture course. Similar to work done for TUMS, our final project for Cloud Architecture required a meticulous thought process on how to do things best. For example, I tried to make an API call from the wrong place and it caused a lot of issues with my function because I overcomplicated it. Before starting the project it’s actually easier to sketch it out mentally so you know where things belong. I did this with our databases at Temple Soccer also, planning how to keep track of certain data and also the best ways to organize it so that if I want to extrapolate the data in some way (averages, comparison, or visuals) it is still easily accessible.
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