Community Platform
  • Agile
  • Analytics
  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
  • Consumer applications and technologies
  • more...
This Year
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1200 Points
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Digital Solution Studio  

At the start of the course, I was eager to learn more about user experience. One of the main reasons I chose the MIS major is my interest in the human experience. Learning more about the user and the agile process gave me the reassurance that I wanted to pursue a career in user experience. I enjoyed working on the class project to design a website with the Norman terms in mind. Taking this class has led to my current internship working on user experience.

Link to class project:

Data Analytics 


Data analytics exposed me to many different databases and experience in using them. My favorite assignment in the course was the Analytics Challenge, we were given a data set and a list of questions to answer and display using any data tools we were comfortable with. We then created a graphic to display our findings.

Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis 

Throughout the course of the semester, I learned a great deal about the importance of capital and labor in the economy applied in the Cobb Douglas production function. I was able to learn the mathematics behind wages for labor and the prices of capital. Overall I enjoyed this course and the learning environment my professor created.

Intermediate Microeconomic Analysis

Taking this course allowed me to further my knowledge of economic theories and concepts. When beginning this course I was eager to learn more about the topics I was interested in during the introductory course. I knew I would be challenged to think in new ways that would help me grow as a student. I became more confident in my analytic skills and my ability to write about the economy in a way my peers would understand.

Management Information Systems 

When beginning this course I was not sure what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that I enjoyed the course and material I was being taught. Through this course, I met Professor O’Donnell who saw that I was excelling and encouraged me to major in MIS.  Just learning the basics was enough for me to know that I would be able to make a difference in a world that relies on technology so heavily.

Completed Courses Not Described

International Trade

Managerial Economics

Data-Centric Application Development

Enterprise IT Architecture


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