PwC Challenge Case Competition
Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) Challenge Case Competition
Alter Hall, February 5th 2019
I learned to analyze data to create a business strategy plan. It was a chance for me to network and learn to collaborate with other aspiring business professionals to solve a problem. The case competition provided a platform for me to network with business professionals from PwC as well as other Fox students of different majors.
I was able to utilize my knowledge on data analytics to organize and create infographics that help support our team’s plan of action. The infographics were critical to our presentation as it allowed our team to present our analysis of the situation and the reasoning behind our choices. Through this challenge, I was able to improve on my presentation and analytics skills; as well as, learn how to be productive team player. It was a great real life scenario, that allowed for me to learn how to apply infographics and data to create a solution to a problem. I was not only able to utilized my knowledge on data and infographics from my Data Analysis class, but I was also able to employ my knowledge from HRM in creating a final solution since the case revolved around employee retainment.
It was a great experience that really allowed for me to bring together what I have learned since starting in FOX. It made all the classes more realistic with a hands on opportunity to employ the knowledge.