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Work Experience

I had the awesome opportunity to intern with Cigna during summer 2017. Click here to read about it!


In October of my freshman year at Temple, I was selected to work as the Student Executive Assistant to the Dean of the Fox School.  Working for Dean Porat has been one of the most defining experiences of my college career so far.  This job has taught me professionalism, time management, organization, confidence, adaptability, and communication.  I have learned so much about the Fox School and its mission, and how to be the best student I can be. Feel free to read more about my Dean’s Office job here.


In Fall 2016, I worked as a Diamond Peer Teacher for Information Systems in Organizations.  As a Diamond Peer, I was responsible for providing supplemental instruction to over 1000 students, with my main focus being the honors section. I worked closely with my faculty mentor, Professor Mart Doyle, to lead lectures, in class discussions, study groups, and exam review sessions.  I also ran and regularly updated a class blog to keep students up to date on assignments and in-class activities.  You can view the blog here!


In addition to working for the Dean, I also work as a Resident Assistant in 1940 Residence Hall.  As an RA, it is my job to foster a community of inclusivity, diversity, and academic success on my floor.  I plan programs for residents, collaborate with other RA’s on my staff, and offer myself as a resource for the students in my building.


During, my sophomore year, I had the opportunity to serve as a Peer Instructor for an Honors Freshman Seminar Class.  As a PI, my duties were to support the lead instructor by collecting and grading assignments, teaching lessons, communicating with students, and serving as a liaison between student and professor.  Similar to my RA job, being a PI involved making myself a constant and consistent resource for these first year students.


I also have experience working as an Associate at Rite Aid Pharmacy, where I learned customer service skills as well as problem solving, flexibility, and team work.

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