Academic Projects
Many projects that I complete through at Temple that have helped me in my experiences outside school. My course work in the MIS program has continued to pertain to my internships and job experience, enhancing my ability to thrive within these environments. Classes such as MIS2501 Enterprise IT Architecture with Professor Doyle developed my business writing skills due to the focus on flash research papers that are short, concise, and contain the relevant information. MIS3504 Digital Design and Innovation placed students in the Business Analyst role on an IT project with an outside client. This class benefited me and I utilized my skills in my summer internship as well as my on campus job. MIS3535 Change Leadership Studio has provided me with the experience of being a project manager, increasing my ability to balance the management of project scope, budget, cost, and quality. These skills will most definitely be incorporated into my full time job that starts in July 2017. Below are a few examples of in-class projects that I have completed.
- MIS 3504 Website Prototype
In this project, we used a prototype program called JustInMind to create an example web platform for a Temple business, BeHeardPhilly.
View our scope document here to get a better feel for the project. - BA 3903 Aldi Case Analysis Presentation
In this project, we did a case study on the discount grocery store, Aldi, for my Integrative Business Applications. Based on the situation of the company, we capitalized on what we felt was the main issue and created a solution to this problem. We documented and presented our solution in class. This analysis really helped with the way I view business processes. - MSP 4741 Interactive Magazine
For this project, I created and designed a magazine using Adobe InDesign. I also captured photos for the magazine design as well as videos. I worked in a group to edit the video clips were edited to align with the magazine content. When triggers are scanned in the magazine using an application on a handheld device, the videos are played, offering a multimedia experience. This project helps with with the front end user experience.