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Project Leadership in Engineering – Not Just Project Management

  1. Name of sponsoring organization
    1. Lassonde Professional Development
  2. Details of the activity (e.g., where, when)
    1. An online event, 11/7/22 at 12:00 PM.
  3. What you learned
    1. I learned from the professional speaker, David Barrett, about the key characteristics and points of success in project management. The points dealt with building a successful business for the stakeholders and improving the internal processes for future stakeholders. Also, building a culture that is welcoming and allows individuals to grow is essential as this helps retain and attract talent that is needed within a business.
  4. How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals
    1. I am looking at the possibility of having project management as one of my career options, so this gave me insight into the skills I would need for this position and if I truly want to go into this career path in the future.
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