Working at GenEd and Computer Services
My time working at GenEd and Computer Services has been pretty enjoyable. I’m a software developer in both roles. I started working at GenEd last Spring and just started at Computer Services in December. I plan on taking on a full time role at Computer Services after graduation.
At GenEd I’ve made a bunch of web apps, most notably,, and (requires Temple account). I also manage the server and database under the advisory of some people at computer services. By and large it runs pretty smoothly and the monitoring tool reports a little over 98% up-time. Not too bad.
At computer services lots of my work is either intangible or it’s on TUPortal, only accessible to users in a specific department. I’ve written utility code to contribute to what equates to the UI library and started writing/adapting shared SQL into a package for shared use / to reduce duplication across my pages and apps. Most recently I’ve been working on a drag and drop form builder to produce TUPortal style forms based on jQuery formBuilder.