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MIS 2101 (Information System Organizations) – This class taught me the basics to management information systems from learning about entity relationship diagrams to swim-lane diagrams. This was important because it helped me understand the logical structure of databases and helped me see job responsibilities for sub-processes of a business process. An important part of this class was the end of the semester project where we had to create our MIS student e-portfolios. We used a content management system called WordPress to add pages like this. In addition, we utilized Google Analytics to see who visited our website and see other metrics and dimensions.

MIS 2502 (Data Analytics) – In Data Analytics, the most important thing that I learned was SQL, a domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing data held in a relational database management system. In MIS 2502, I learned how to write both simple and complex SQL queries to extract information from a huge database with tons of data. Like MIS 2101, we had a class project where we had to enter huge amounts of data from QVC into a SQL database and find information to answer questions. This was interesting to me because data is literally everywhere. For individuals to understand SQL, they can help companies gather information to improve their day to day activities quickly and efficiently.

MIS 2501 (Enterprise IT Architecture) – MIS 2501 has helped me in both understand the architecture of systems and writing technical papers really well. I used a cloud computing service called Microsoft Azure where I learned how to build, test, deploy, and manage applications and services through a global network of data centers. I learned how to give different machines a domain name, DNS, IP address, and many more. This class also taught me how to write technical papers in a clear and concise manner. To able to understand the in’s and out’s of a system and writing professionally in a short, clear, and concise manner is definitely valuable and will help me in my future endeavors.

MIS 3501 (Data-Centric Application Development) – MIS 3501 definitely taught me how to code and using different software applications to do so. I learned how to write HTML code in an application development software called NetBeans. Other than HTML, I also wrote CSS code and connected it to HTML files, styling it. After learning HTML and CSS, we moved on to PHP. I learned how to make a simple page using HTML and CSS but I also used PHP to make a page work and functional. Last but not least, I also learned how to create and delete SQL databases. These technical skills was extremely important and will be useful for anyone even if they do not choose a more technical path.

MIS 3506 (Digital Solutions Studio) – The main focus of MIS 3506 was business analysis. In this class, we worked in a semester long project with a real world client while learning the basic concepts of business analysis. For our project, we had to create a prototype for our client utilizing the knowledge that we were also learning in class. We interviewed with stakeholders to gather and elicit requirements. Through the meetings, we created a project scope that we had to follow while creating the prototype. We used a tool called JustInMind and made sure that all the functionalities we were building will address the problems and the needs of our clients. This class ultimately gave me an idea of where I wanted to start my career in and it was definitely a valuable experience; to be able to work with real world clients.

MIS 3535 (Lead Global Digital Projects) – MIS 3535 was very similar to MIS 3506. Instead of learning the concepts of business analysis, I learned the concepts of project management. Like MIS 3506, we had a semester long project where we worked with a client; only this time, we were the project managers and not the business analysts. We had to lead and manage a team of business analysts from MIS 3506 and made sure that all work was delegated among the BA’s. We created different plans from communication, risk management, and change management for the duration of our project. In this class, we learned how to use Microsoft Project and we created a work breakdown structure to make sure that all work was organized into manageable sections. The main goal for us was to make sure that our team of business analysts worked within budget and stayed on track on having the final deliverable for our clients. Like MIS 3506, it was important to me because I wanted to jumpstart my career in business analysis or project management.

MIS 4596 (Information System Integration) – The capstone, MIS 4596 was the very last class in the pursuit for the MIS degree. To me, it was a combination of MIS 3506 and MIS 3535. We also had a semester long project where we utilized the combination of knowledge and skills that we learned in the previous two classes. The roles of business analysts, project managers, and software developers were split among our group members. We met with project sponsors to gather requirements on what our solution should be like, delegated who will do what by when, and have the software developer put the whole thing together. This was a very interesting and important class as all the things that you’ve been taught in the past will come to fruition as you will combine EVERYTHING together.

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