Community Platform
  • Application development
  • Application Programming Interface (APIs)
  • JavaScript
  • Web application frameworks
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Part-Time Cybersecurity Policy Research Intern, July 2021 – August 2021

  • Researched terminology in Beazley Breach Response
  • Reviewed the company’s current IT policies, coverage schedule, insuring agreements, and exclusions towards Nelson & Ward
  • Created and Presented the policy in front of the company

This opportunity opened the door for me to do real-life research on a topic that interests me. Getting up in front of a business room to propose a policy for the first time was nerve-racking, but also a powerful feeling. This relates to my career goals because I’ve always wanted to break the fear and lack of confidence I have when public speaking, especially while talking about a topic that I enjoy promoting.

Assistant Office Manager, May 2020 – August 2020

  • Assisted the Vice President and the Director of Operations through the creation of spreadsheet projects
  • Managed and organized insurance account data on a day-to-day basis
  • Calculated the Percentage of Total Premium: computing the percentage of each policy type of the grand total of all policy type premium
  • Calculated the Percentage of Dept Premium: computing the percentage that each policy type premium is of its dept total

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