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  • Application development
  • Application Programming Interface (APIs)
  • JavaScript
  • Web application frameworks
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IT Development Intern

For the past 3 months I had the opportunity to intern for the Information Technology department at GBLI, a medium-sized company offering specialty insurance. I was able to work with a software development team and experience the scrum process, which was related to when I learned about Agile principles when taking MIS 3535. My use with creating data visualizations was similar to the topics covered in MIS 2502 as well. Having this knowledge from the classroom gave me leverage with my tasks and projects throughout the duration of the internship.

Job Role/Assigned Tasks and Projects:

  • Quality Assurance Testing
    • Utilized Scrum Methodology to work with the team through Azure DevOps boards, queries and repositories
    • Created and executed test plans through Microsoft Excel for an IT service desk application being developed
    • Sent Incident tickets from service desk UI to Azure DevOps Queries as part of the software testing process
    • Tests pass or fail based on the validity of the test cases per user story
    • Logged and retested bugs per user story on Azure DevOps boards
  • Power BI Reports
    • Developed quantitative measures which will be used to determine the progress, quality and productivity of the manual testing process
    • Queried metrics from Azure DevOps and SQL Server platform that were delivered/closed within the past six months
    • Metrics included QA Bugs, Production Bugs and incidents for Ireli, Quick Rater, BC10 and PAS Systems
    • Built Power BI Reports to visualize the defect distribution between Production and QA
  • Application Development Learning Points
    • Coding in .NET
    • How software is Built/Unit Testing
    • Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD)
    • Git Repositories and Pull Requests
    • Cloud Computing: Azure vs AWS
    • Agile and Source Control

What I learned

The most important lesson I take from this experience is to communicate with your team. It’s made me realize how important it is for software teams to fill each other in and stay-up-to-date with your progress to avoid conflict, and to meet sprint goals for the application life cycle.

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