Community Platform
  • Application development
  • Application Programming Interface (APIs)
  • JavaScript
  • Web application frameworks
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These are some of my favorite courses I’ve taken here at Temple University:

  • Digital Systems: This was the first MIS course I’ve taken. I learned the basics of Information technology, cybersecurity, databases, and application programming interfaces (API). Personally, I enjoyed using HMTL files for the javascript coding project.


  • Web Application Development (MIS 2402): Hands-On Javascript, CSS, HTML, JQuery. I was able to learn the fundamentals of coding, which is important to understand in the field of MIS.


  • Data and Analytics (MIS 2502): SQL Queries and NoSQL (MongoDB). The database schema, Semi-Structured data files including JSON, XML, and CSV. Worked with R/R Studio. MIS 2502 is my favorite MIS class I’ve taken so far, because I find it fascinating how there are ways to transform data into information that can support decision-making in a business.


  • Marketing Management: One of my favorite activities we did throughout this course was the New Shoes Stimulation. I took it upon myself to become the captain of the shoe company I was representing, as I was competing against 9 other groups in the class. My group came in 2nd place, with the #1 sold shoe in the domestic and foreign markets. I enjoyed learning about Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and the Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD), and how software plays a role in both


  • Statistics: Statistics has helped me learn more about using Microsoft Excel. From creating pie charts, calculating data, and creating vibrant tables, I’ve learned all the shortcuts that have even helped me working in an administrative environment over the past 2 years


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