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Career Objectives

all risks

Being a Risk Management and Insurance major, I have a diverse job outlook.  I can work for an insurance carrier, broker, or agency.  Within those firms, I could be an underwriter, consultant, broker, and much more.  This summer I will be interning at All Risks which is the largest privately held excess and surplus brokerage in the United States.  I will be working in the Programs Underwriting Department at the Hunt Valley, Maryland office which is their headquarters.  This will be my first taste of the industry and I cannot wait for the experience!

The excess and surplus line of insurance is one that interested me from the beginning of my interest in insurance.  The excess and surplus line of insurance provides clients with access to nonadmitted/unauthorized insurance companies and is commonly referred to as the “safety valve” within the insurance industry.  This means that clients experiencing risks that are new, unique, distressed, high capacity, or less seasoned are able to purchase coverage for these risks that might normally be considered “uninsurable.”  I am interested in this line because of the constant change and new trends within the industry.  Another aspect that attracted me specifically to All Risks is their company culture.  The company culture is casual, friendly, and an open environment which I learned about from the multiple employees I spoke with at the Career Reception and in my interviews.

Hopefully after this summer I will have a better idea if I want to work for a brokerage, agency, or carrier and whether I would like to work in a small or large office environment.  Eventually, I want to move to New York City and work for an insurance firm there.



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