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I am a current Sophomore at Temple University enrolled as a MIS major. I have always been interested in technology, and I plan to apply my major to whatever field I venture into beyond college. I chose MIS because leveraging technology in business is universal, and can be used for any type of company anywhere in the world.

Currently, I am working with my father as a general sales assistant in his new military collectibles business. I enjoy work because I have been involved since the start of the company, and have learned a lot watching the business grow. One day I plan to be the president of my own company. Despite being very involved and devoting a lot of my time towards work, I have still managed a cumulative GPA of 3.67. Academically, I plan to receive my degree in MIS during the spring of 2014.

In my spare time I enjoy fishing, board games, and sports. I love to travel, and hope to one day have enough money or a job that allows me to visit places all over the world. I’ve always had an interest in helping out our global community. I have made service trips to Haiti and the Philippines, and plan to travel to other countries where help is desperately needed. I recently filled out a Scholarship Application where I go into further detail about my two trips abroad, and my father’s new business. Click the link for a PDF version of this document.

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