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  • Application development
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Throughout my courses I have received numerous assignments and projects in which I was able to gain great experience from completing them. The project that helped me the most was the Temple University Analytics Challenge. I enjoyed thus challenge because a group and I were tasked with trying to extract data from a database and make meaning from it. In the process I learned about working with a team to analyze data points and produce a meaningful outcome. We then had to make a graphic out of the analysis we did. Another project that helped me gain experience was every homework assignment for my data analytics course. In each assignment we worked with analysis programs like SQL and R Studio. Getting familiar with these programs was great experience for me in my job search in the future. Lastly, I believe that my exams for my data centric application course gave me great experience. We were tasked with creating and fixing web applications in a set amount of time. This allowed me to practice working on a problem and troubleshooting in applications while being conscious of a deadline. This is an important skill to practice and posses in the technology working world because it is practiced daily among professionals.

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