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Learning SQL Programming

This course was taught by LinkedIn instructor Scott Simpson. It helped reinforce the SQL concepts I learned in MIS2502, including the foundational statements and clauses that make up a query. Some of these include, “select”, “where”, “from”, joins (left and right/inner), different data types (binary, numeric, boolean). I also learned that mathematical equations can be performed in SQL, which is not something that I learned in class. This course also went over how to modify and enter in new data, which is also information that was not presented to us in 2502. Finally, it went over some common mistakes and troubleshooting, which will be helpful should I use SQL for data entry in the future. In this course I used DB Browser for SQL lite, which worked a little differently than MySQL and gave me exposure to another platform. Should I use SQL in any future roles, I will be using and revisiting the material that I learned in this video course. 

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