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Academic History

I graduated in the spring of 2014 from Spring-Ford Senior High School in Royersford, Pa. I spent my four years in high school trying my best to work hard and challenge myself. I loved to keep a full schedule and always be busy in high school and no surprise that trait followed me to college because I never have a dull moment here at Temple University. I was an active member in habitat for humanity, played Field Hockey for 8 years, Lacrosse for 6 years and ran track for 3 years. I took electives within our schools music program with interest to pursue a career in vocals. I graduated Spring-Ford with a GPA of a 3.7 and was overjoyed to be accepting to an abundance of colleges.


I now am enrolled in the Fox School of Business at Temple University. What brought me to Temple University is a mystery to me, but a blessing. I was extremely unsure of what I would do with my future, as I graduated with 600+ young adults, all of which had every detail figured out. I decided to pick which college I would attend out of a hat, not to mention what major I would begin as. I spent my freshman year at Temple University as a chemistry major with aspirations of becoming a Physician’s Assistant. I quickly discovered this was not the path for me and that I love to lead and problem solve. Thus, switching to the Fox School. I have never been happier, all of my courses I take shed light on how my parents run their business and it gives me inspiration to help them with their future endeavors.




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