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This Year
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1703 Points
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Completed Coursework:

MIS 2901: Honors Information Systems in Organizations
    • Learned about process mapping, systems analysis, CRM & ERP, cyber-security, and more
    • Developed basic skills in programming using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
MKTG 2901: Honors Marketing Management
    • Learned how to build a marketing strategy, utilize SWOT analysis, and apply other concepts of marketing management
    • Collaborated with a team in an intricate marketing simulation to develop and present a competitive brand strategy
ECE 0832: Digital World 2020
    • Learned about new and emerging digital technology, covering topics such as data storage, artificial intelligence, and computer programming
    • Completed a hands-on mobile application programming project to create a mini security system
STAT 1902: Honors Quantitative Methods for Business II
    • Developed skills in Microsoft Excel and learned about its utilization in business and economics
    • Applied quantitative analyses to different sets of data
STAT 2104: Selected Topics in Statistical Business Analytics
    • Gained a deeper understanding of probability, regression, and other important foundations of business analytics
HRM 1901: Honors Leadership & Organizational Management
    • Learned about the many challenges faced by corporate leaders and delved into essential topics such as social responsibility, change management, and organizational structure
    • Grew leadership, teamwork, and presentation skills through group projects and written/oral corporate analyses

Current Coursework:

MIS 2502: Data and Analytics
MIS 2402: Web Application Development
MKTG 3509: Customer Data Analytics
MKTG 3596: Consumer and Buyer Behavior

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