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  • Business analysis
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This Year
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1110 Points
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General Service Intern

  1. Assigned tasks:
    • Attend discussion based leadership meetings
    • Revise requirements document for Intelligent Mail Barcode project
    • Compile research to create databases
    • Use Excel functions to draw effective analyses
    • Communicate with customers via email on a daily basis
    • Participate in MyRevenue marketing strategy meetings
  2. Examples of projects (e.g., list the projects you worked on and what you accomplished)
    • I revised specifications of the requirements document for the intelligent mail barcode project. During meetings I served as liaison to technical I-T staff, and overall project management.
    • I created and organized a database in Microsoft Excel, using the extensive research I conducted through visiting state archives, reviewing articles and accessing historical tax documents.
    • I revised the Research and Development tax credit entity relationship diagram for future use in understanding t
    • I supported work group discussions about the MyRevenue marketing campaign and strategic plan.
    • I reviewed daily customer feedback responses and followed up with taxpayers by email to resolve all concerns. I escalated matters as appropriate and tracked all follow-up actions through Microsoft Excel database.
  3. What you learned and how it relates to your major (e.g., describe what you learned from this experience in the context of specific courses)
    • I was introduced to the software development life cycle process in MIS 2101. I became more familiar with the SDLC through my participation in the intelligent mail barcode project. By reviewing and revising the requirements document with both IT-staff and project management I gained insight to the role of a business analyst.
    • I furthered my experience with Microsoft Excel by creating databases and utilizing excel functions to analyze the data. I learned how to use pivot tables and charts within excel and furthermore how to draw conclusions from their results. This experience helped me in my Data Analytics class when using excel as an analytical tool. In addition to technical experience, my analytical experience helped me better understand the results of SQL and R.
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