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Coursework Description

The following consists of the courses that I have already attended here at Temple University. I have really enjoyed these courses and know they have benefited and better prepared me for my career.

Information Systems in Organizations:

This is the introduction course to MIS that all business majors must take. This course was very activity based, where every week we had to complete assignments with a team based on that week’s material. Understanding how business processes worked made up a good proportion of this course. We had to learn about conceptual diagramming, process decomposition, and data modeling. In addition, creating and protecting our digital identity was an important part of this course.

Data Analytics:

This course mainly focused on analyzing data and knowing how present insight about the analyzed data. This class made the process of analyzing data possible by using tools such as; Microsoft Excel, MY SQL, and R-Studios. Data can be found everywhere and in today’s world we a lot more data than we actually need. This class also explains how to distinguish between various types data. I have grown an interest to analyzing data because of these tools and as a result; I participated in the Data Analytics Challenge.

Data-Centric Application Development:

I could say this is one of most challenging courses I have ever taken. This course introduces multiple programming languages such as; HTML, PHP, & CSS. This course taught me how to build, find errors, and make improvements. In addition to learning these different languages, we learned how to connect databases to simple data driven applications.

Enterprise IT Architecture:

This course was one of the most interesting courses in the MIS program so far. Throughout this course, we learned about many different software programs and technologies such as; WordPress, SharePoint, Virtualization, Data Centers & Networking, and Joomla. The main reason why this course interested me is because all assignment and exams were very realistic to actual projects or assignments that could be asked in our future careers. Exams consisted of two parts, creating executive summary papers and virtual machines using Microsoft Azure. In our executive papers, we had to analyze and research a specific topic and evaluate whether it is beneficial or not to our company.

Digital Design and Innovation Studios:

This course taught us how to translate business needs into technological solutions. At the beginning of the semester, we were given a real life problem that we had to resolve working with real clients. This class ultimately taught us how to become successful business analysists. This project was to be solved by working in a team. There are many steps to solving or creating an effective solution, it all starts by collecting information to create a scope document.


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