Community Platform
  • Accounting information systems (AIS)
  • Cloud computing
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Work Experience

LOCAL MEMBER, Philadelphia, PA                                                                                                          May 2020-Present

Business Technology Intern

·       Utilized WordPress to set up over 200 pages and posts for a startup that created local directories, with inclusion of over 950 businesses, in order to promote local businesses in Philadelphia

·       Facilitated connections with local bloggers and influencers through research, engaging email correspondence, and personalized approach in order to establish “local expert guides” and increase business engagement 


DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS, Philadelphia, PA                             January 2020 – Present

Information Technology Assistant

·       Set up a “Diamond Peer Teacher Corner” page using WordPress to regularly post study guides and sets of questions on the weekly basis material

·       Review and evaluate assignments, labs, and activities in the MIS 2101 section with over 100 students

·       Hold regular office hours twice a week to help students with assignments and to answer any questions regarding the curriculum

·       Assist professors during classes, lead review sessions, create diagrams and presentations, and support the programming curriculum of the course


DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS, Philadelphia, PA                             January 2020 – Present

Front Desk Receptionist

·       Answer high volume phone calls, book appointments between professors and students, organize events and meetings and redirect calls to different faculty staff

·       Liaise with faculty staff to ensure correct scheduling of conferences, mail delivery, and other miscellaneous work

·       Match and handle purchase orders from the MIS PRO store, as well as file the receipts in the allocated spreadsheet.

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