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How I Plan to Leverage My Coursework in My Career

Over the course of my first three years as a Temple student, I have taken an array of courses. As an MIS major, my completed courses include: Data Analytics, IT Architecture, Data-Centric Application Development, and Digital Solutions Studio. These courses in particular have taught me valuable lessons that I intend to take with me on my career path in the Financial Services industry. During the middle of my Freshman year, I became interested in Financial Services and realized that it could be a perfect industry for me to work in. Among the trends I’ve noticed in the Financial Services industry is the invaluable importance of technology and information systems. Today, more than ever, the majority of premier Wall Street firms are hiring more data scientists and computer programmers than stock traders. This marks a clear shift in the industry. Wall Street has recognized that data is the most important factor in assessing the financial market. Quicker access and interpretation of this data allows firms to react to the markets immediately, and helps uncover trends that have previously gone unnoticed. This monumental trend in the Financial Services industry is the primary reason why I chose to be a Management Information Systems major.

As a current intern in the Financial Services industry, two of my completed MIS courses have already proven to be extremely beneficial in furthering my career. First, Data Analytics taught me the basics behind breaking down data into interpretable and useful information. From MySQL to Pivot Tables, there are countless lessons taught in this course that I have already used in my internship. The other course that has helped me in Financial Services is Data-Centric Application, which teaches the coding language, PHP. As I speak with my co-workers and managers at my internship, each of them applaud my background in programming. In their eyes, programming will be essential for all Financial Services professionals in the next ten years. This made it clear to me that the MIS courses I have completed have prepared me for a career in Financial Services.

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