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  • Data analytics
  • Financial systems
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My Interests

Professional Interests

Data Analytics

The widespread use of data in all facets of business in recent years has sparked my interest in analyzing data. The first time I realized the value of rigorous data mining was after watching the movie, Moneyball. Utilizing the various statistics logged in Major League Baseball allows General Managers to form the best team possible by simply analyzing their performance in previous years. Data analytics can be applied to any business strategy, and its success suggests that it will be implemented for years to come. I hope to learn more about data analytics, so that I can employ them in my future endeavors in the business world.

Financial Systems

As a Finance and MIS double major, the construction of financial systems greatly intrigues me. Financial firms utilize an abundant number of technologies to carry out their everyday activities, and each system has its own unique intricacies. A potential job interest for me is a systems or design analyst for a financial company, so I plan to focus my studies on the financial industry, while assessing what technologies can benefit financial firms.

Extracurricular Interests



As the oldest of five boys, sports have always played a large role in my life. In high school, I played golf, basketball, and baseball at the varsity level. Although my playing days are pretty much over, I continue to play intramural sports at Temple. I also love watching my younger brothers play basketball; my brother, Tommy, recently committed to play Division I basketball at Army WestPoint. The love for sports that my family has instilled in me is something I hope to carry into the future as a fan, and hopefully as a coach.

Athletes Helping Athletes and Camp PALS



Two groups that I got involved in a few years ago are Athletes Helping Athletes and Camp PALS. Both of these groups allow me to work with teenagers with disabilities. Through various events, I have met countless individuals who inspire me to be the best I can be. One of my most rewarding life experiences was through Camp PALS, where I got to spend a week with a teenager with down syndrome. The people I have met and the lessons I have learned through these groups have truly changed my life, and I plan on remaining an active member in Athletes Helping Athletes and Camp PALS in the future.


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