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HTML & CSS: Creating Forms

Title of the activity: HTML & CSS: Creating Forms

Term of the activity; Spring, 2022

Name of sponsoring organization: Clarissa Peterson

Details of the activity (e.g., where, when): Online, August 17, 2017


After gaining an essential overview of HTML, it was astonishing to hear Clarissa Peterson go into detail regarding HTML and CSS. She started off by going over the designing experience of a form. I learned about what it takes to create a good flow, along with data privacy. Afterwards, I learned about creating forms with HTML, how to make forms more interactive, and styling form fields using CSS. I learned how to arrange data, implement different attributes, and found correlations. Viewers gain insight on the basic form styles, box text and sizing, styling pseudo-classes and styling radio buttons with images or buttons. We ended the Linkedin Learning by covering the form layout of CSS. I was able to inspect a visual of both small and wide-screen layouts for forms, form labels, and learn about the placeholder attribute. All in all, I discovered that HTML and CSS work together to function properly in my MIS 2101 course. After listening to Clarissa, it became more clear to me that each language has a specific utilization that is interconnected. This activity will be extremely beneficial for me in the future when it comes to future coursework and job opportunities. Both HTML and CSS are relevant in the MIS field and I look forward to applying the insight I gained in the time to come.

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