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Weekly Journal Entry 10/17

This week was very productive for our team. On Monday the PM’s came prepared to class with an organization chart, RACI, and stakeholder registry. I completed the organization chart and stakeholder registry  and uploaded these documents to the shared drive for every team member to access. I found it very helpful to break into group and see how other teams completed these deliverables. I am going to make changes to both the organization chart and stakeholder registry based on Monday’s class discussion. The org. chart needs to have each members picture included, and the stakeholder registry needs to have the roles/positions of some member updated.

On wednesday every PM, with the exception of one, was able to meet with the BA’s for nearly an hour. This was one of the best meetings we’ve had to date as more people were able to attend. The BA’s appear to be exceeding our expectations at this point and continue to communicate with us effectively. We discussed the progression of deliverables, brainstormed ideas for the prototype (the BA’s had one exceptional idea which I’m excited about), and continued to remind the BA’s of our experience in their role.

We’ve established a weekly meeting time and our project is currently on pace to be finished on time, under budget, and within scope.

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