Information Systems in Organizations

Toyota’s Information System

This article shows how Toyota implemented and upgraded its Information System throughout the years. The changes in the technology created a natural necessity for Toyota to improve its Information System.

Toyota has actively propelled growth and innovation in its information systems by incorporating new information processing technologies while responding to various changes in the external environment, including rapid globalization of development, manufacturing, and sales operations; advancements in car electronics technologies; compliance with global environmental standards; and changes in the Japanese and global economy.

Growth and innovation of information systems at Toyota in the second half of the 1980s to first half of the 1990s saw advances in office automation and in the globalization of corporate systems in the commercial systems of business application systems. In the engineering systems of business application systems, Toyota applied in-house-developed CAD/CAM systems to broader areas of activity and also extended them to supplier operations.

From the second half of the 1990s to the early 2000s, advancements in administrative systems made information systems more globally adaptable and also brought about reform of Toyota’s overall management structure. Innovations in engineering system made engineering data more integrated and more useable on a global basis.

From the early to late 2000s, Toyota sought to globally standardize all business application systems and make better use of information. Even such IT infrastructure as IC network systems were globally standardized and shifted to TCP/IP-based systems in Japan and overseas. The economic crisis that shook the world from 2008 to 2009 also had a major impact on Toyota’s information divisions. Since then, Toyota has sought to improve the efficiency of system development and maintenance and has instituted structural reform of its system development and maintenance organization.

1 – How can Information System be a benefit to a manufacturing operation?
2 – How can Information System be flexible and reprogrammed to grow with the need?
3 – How is Toyota’s implemented Information Systems a benefit for its custom information?

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