Weekly Question
Weekly Question #6
Leave your response as a comment on this post by Sunday, June 25 @ 11:59PM. Your response only needs to be about three or four sentences. These weekly questions should reinforce class discussions, readings and show some insight.
Hint: If you sign into the site using your AccessNet ID and password you won’t have to fill in the name, email and captcha fields when you leave your comment.
Here is the question:
For this weekly question, I am mainly interested in your biggest takeaway from this class. After spending the last 6 weeks learning about how you, as business professionals, will utilize technology in the workforce to be efficient and effective, what do you think is the most important aspect of technology in the workforce? What key elements can you use to shape your future (or current) outlook?
Weekly Question #5
Leave your response as a comment on this post by the beginning of class on June 20, 2017. Your response only needs to be about three or four sentences. These weekly questions should reinforce class discussions, readings and show some insight.
Hint: If you sign into the site using your AccessNet ID and password you won’t have to fill in the name, email and captcha fields when you leave your comment.
Here is the question:
This week we talked about SCM & CRM and heard various viewpoints on which systems people use. Which do you think is more important to an organization? Why? Alternatively, we talked about CRMs and how organizations utilize data to learn more about the customers – how do you feel about this?
Weekly Question #4
Leave your response as a comment on this post by the beginning of class on June 13, 2016. Your response only needs to be about three or four sentences. These weekly questions should reinforce class discussions, readings and show some insight.
Hint: If you sign into the site using your AccessNet ID and password you won’t have to fill in the name, email and captcha fields when you leave your comment.
Here is the question:
This week, we talked about disruptive innovation & how the rise of technology has completely changed many business and consumer driven actions. What do you think was the most interesting or important innovation in the last few years? Why? What has it done to the original business model?
Also – there’s an interesting podcast called How I Built This, which details different companies, their strategies & their innovations. This one in particular is on Lyft and how that company came to be and how it has completely disrupted the taxi/ride sharing industry. It’s not required, but an interesting listen if you have the time –
Weekly Question #3
Leave your response as a comment on this post by the beginning of class on June 6, 2016. Your response only needs to be about three or four sentences. These weekly questions should reinforce class discussions, readings and show some insight.
Hint: If you sign into the site using your AccessNet ID and password you won’t have to fill in the name, email and captcha fields when you leave your comment.
This week, we reviewed ERPs and Data Analytics. In any organization, it is crucial to collect good data and have an integrated system that enables users to have one clear view of the data and customer. Thinking about your major and your future careers in business – why is this important? How could good data or bad data have an impact on your daily job?
Weekly Question #2
Leave your response as a comment on this post by the beginning of class on May 30, 2016. Your response only needs to be about three or four sentences. These weekly questions should reinforce class discussions, readings and show some insight.
Hint: If you sign into the site using your AccessNet ID and password you won’t have to fill in the name, email and captcha fields when you leave your comment.
Here is the question:
This week, we reviewed Business Rules, Decision Trees & Conceptual Architecture Diagrams. What are some other areas, other than information systems, where you could see a decision tree being really helpful? Why?
Weekly Question #1
Leave your response as a comment on this post by the beginning of class on May 23, 2016. Your response only needs to be about three or four sentences. These weekly questions should reinforce class discussions, readings and show some insight.
Hint: If you sign into the site using your AccessNet ID and password you won’t have to fill in the name, email and captcha fields when you leave your comment.
Here is the question:
Watch the Did You Know Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqZiIO0YI7Y
Comment below on what you thought was the most interesting fact and why. As current or future business leaders, what skills do you think are essential for success in the digital economy?