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Michael Palmisano –

This is my article,, and I also wanted to show the article from a few weeks ago, both in regards to the Edward Snowden issue. Here are my questions:

1. Although Edward Snowden illegally leaked U.S documents, do you consider him a patriot or a criminal based on his intentions? Does he deserve a fair trial or should he be convicted under the Espionage Act?

2. How do you feel that the computer and satellite technology our government has today allows us to be monitored and essentially spied on at any given moment?

3. When Snowden brought this information to the NSA’s attention, he was told to “stop asking questions.” Do you think Snowden was the only person to know what he knows, or do you believe more “hackers” had this knowledge but were too afraid of the governmental repercussions to say anything?

Michael Palmisano II
Fox School of Business and Management

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