Fall 2016 – Amy Lavin


Semester Project Overview: MS-Digital Innovation in Marketing

Your semester project is for Temple University’s MS-Digital Innovation in Marketing Program, a Masters degree program with a focus on the digital landscape.  The MS-DIM program just launched its second year and is rapidly growing and engaging with both industry experts, potential and current students and in a few months, alumni.   The client’s goal is to create a method that will enable prospective students to engage with the MS-DIM program staff for possible admission, and create a method for current students, alumni and industry experts to network and engage one another.

This semester, we will be working with the MS-Digital Innovation in Marketing program to create the digital tools needed to serve their prospective students, current students, alumni and administrative staff.

Three project areas of focus are as follows:

  1. Developing technology enabled web and mobile tools for ADMISSIONS/ENGAGEMENT
    1. To enable prospective students the ability to sign up and create an account on their own
    2. To enable the MS-DIM administrators the ability to engage with prospects in a multichannel environment (both online and in live settings such as networking events)
    3. Determine what demographic data needs to be collected: What do DIM recruiters need to know about each prospective applicant?
  2. Developing technology enabled web and mobile tools for PARTICIPATION
    1. Creating account management tools for prospective students, current students and alumni to create profiles, set preferences, build communities around common interests and track site participation.  Providing channels for distributing information about admissions, upcoming events, student/program achievements, networking opportunities
  3. Creating administrative facing web services tools
    1.  Must encompass the full prospect cycle from Awareness to Acceptance
      1. Marketing tool for MS-DIM Program
      2. Workflow management/Marketing Automation
      3. Data collection and analytics to improve decision-making
      4. Reporting

Each team will explore 1 of the above areas, although overlaps are possible.:


Interview Schedule:

During the semester, each team will have an opportunity to interview important stakeholders and subject matter experts:

Interview #1: MS DIM Associate Director – Joe Allegra – Thursday, September 15 from 2-3PM – Alter Hall, Room 603

Link to the interview with Joe:  http://tucapture.fox.temple.edu/Mediasite/Play/a9699a69a6df46e7aa92eb777193a1401d

Interview #2: MS Program Administrator – Rachel Carr – Tuesday, September 27 from 2-3PM Alter Hall, Room 603

Link to the interview with Rachel: http://tucapture.fox.temple.edu/Mediasite/Play/f262e164f66e4a47b8f6fa094756d9bb1d

Interview #3:  Director of MS-Digital Innovation in Marketing – Amy Lavin

Link to the interview with Amy: http://tucapture.fox.temple.edu/Mediasite/Play/92fa01f87f424845aecd712fb072421c1d