MIS 3534-001 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

Monthly Archives: August 2014

Day 1 – Discussion Questions

Yesterday, we discussed the following questions. Please post your thoughts on any of these questions.

  • Should a CIO be chosen among technically-trained managers or business-background managers?
  • Which skill is easier to learn? IT or Management?
  • Why do you think the board of directors chose Mr. Barton as a new CIO?
  • What does it mean by “IT management is about management”?
  • What does it mean by “IT department is positioned to understand how the business works better than any other department” ?
  • What are the common characteristics of the CIOs, who we saw in the videos, in Walmart, Harrah’s and the United States?

Day 1 – Introduction – Video Links

Todd Park and Steven Van Roekel – TechCrunch


IS in Action – Wal-Mart Supply Chain – CNBC


Harrah’s Entertainment CIO – ZDNet


Keynote Address, Rob Carter, CIO Fedex – PointThink


Textbook and Harvard Business School Cases

In this semester, MIS 3534 will have two required materials.

One is a textbook – Austin, R.D., Nolan, R.L., and O’Donnell, S., The Adventures of an IT Leader, Harvard Business Publishing, 2009. You can purchase a copy from Amazon.com.

Second, this courses will use a coursepack of Harvard Business School cases. You can purchase and download PDF copies from here. You’ll be required to create an account and need a credit card to purchase.

Welcome to MIS 3534 – Strategic Management of IT


I hope everyone is enjoying the summer break well. My name is Min-Seok, and I’ll be teaching MIS 3534 (Monday 5:30pm) this Fall semester. I would like to wholeheartedly welcome you all to MIS 3534!

The first class is on Monday, Aug 25 at 8:30pm at Alter Hall 603. Please find and read the attached syllabus and be prepared with the first class and the textbook. Please bring the textbook for the first day, but you’re not required to read the first chapter.

Once again, I’m excited to have you in MIS 3534. Enjoy the rest of the break, and I’ll look forward to seeing you soon.

– min-seok