MIS 3534-001 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang


MIS 3534 – Thank you!

Dear all,

I have competed grading of Executive Report #3 and entered the final grades to Blackboard and TUPortal. You should be able to check yours now at Blackboard and tomorrow (12/16) at TUPortal.

Please be advised that the final grades are firm and final, and I will not respond to any request for a higher grade and extra credits.

I would like to sincerely thank you for your hard work and contribution to this class so far. I very much appreciate it. I also wish the best of luck in your continued studies, career, and future endeavors.

As I said in the classroom, if you’d like to keep in touch with me, you can connect with me via LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/minspang.

Once again, thank you, and have warm and pleasant holidays!
Best regards,
– min-seok

Unofficial LETTER GRADES as of Nov 20

The unofficial LETTER GRADES as of Nov. 20 are available on Blackboard.

Do keep in mind that these grades are strictly unofficial and only to inform the current standing in this course. The final grades will depend on the performance in the rest of the semester including Executive Report #3.


Unofficial Mid-Term LETTER GRADES on Blackboard

I have posted unofficial mid-term LETTER GRADES on Blackboard, which include the followings.

  • Attendance by Oct 13 (5 max)
  • Participation by Oct 13
  • Reading Briefs by Oct 13 (top five briefs, 50 max)
  • Executive Report #1
  • Homework #1

Keep in mind that the grades are unofficial, and the final grade will depend on performance for the rest of the semester.

Harvard Business Case Coursepack – Price Corrected!

It has come to my attention that some of you had to pay a lot more than I expected for the Harvard Business coursepack. It was supposed to be $45.89, but it appeared as $97.4. (I thank Sung Sik for letting me know this.)

I have contacted the publishers, and they corrected the price to $45.89. Please see the message from them below. If you have already purchased the package, you will receive a refund through your credit card.

Keep in mind that Otis case, which is a required reading for next Monday’s class, is included in the coursepack.


———- Forwarded message ———-

From: Hertzenberg, David <david.hertzenberg@harvardbusiness.org>
Date: 2014-09-03 9:19 GMT-04:00
Subject: RE: Case Coursepack question
To: Min-Seok Pang <minspang@temple.edu>
Cc: “Phaneuf, Autumn” <autumn.phaneuf@harvardbusiness.org>
Hi Dr. Pang,

Our service team has responded to me and said that there was an issue with our website and the wrong pricing was occurring in some coursepacks, yours included. The problem has been resolved and your students should now see the correct pricing in your coursepack. Please let me know if your students do not see the correct pricing at $3.95 per case.

So far, 5 students have registered for the coursepack and overpaid by credit card. We will credit these 5 students the difference amount ASAP, and they should see that credit come through on their credit card accounts soon.

So the issue has been resolved and once your students receive their credit on their accounts, we should be all set. Apologies on behalf of HBP for the technical issue here. Please let me know if any further issues occur here.


Day 02 – Sign up for presentation

For next week’s class, we need two volunteers to present the following articles (5 minutes each). Please leave a comment below to sign up.

  • HBS Case – “Otis Elevator: Accelerating Business Transformation with IT”
  • Harvard Business Review – “The Five Forces That Shape Strategy” by M.E. Porter

Presenters will be given both participation points and a waiver for one reading brief. Please leave a reply below. I’ll let you know how to download the 2nd one.

Textbook and Harvard Business School Cases

In this semester, MIS 3534 will have two required materials.

One is a textbook – Austin, R.D., Nolan, R.L., and O’Donnell, S., The Adventures of an IT Leader, Harvard Business Publishing, 2009. You can purchase a copy from Amazon.com.

Second, this courses will use a coursepack of Harvard Business School cases. You can purchase and download PDF copies from here. You’ll be required to create an account and need a credit card to purchase.

Welcome to MIS 3534 – Strategic Management of IT


I hope everyone is enjoying the summer break well. My name is Min-Seok, and I’ll be teaching MIS 3534 (Monday 5:30pm) this Fall semester. I would like to wholeheartedly welcome you all to MIS 3534!

The first class is on Monday, Aug 25 at 8:30pm at Alter Hall 603. Please find and read the attached syllabus and be prepared with the first class and the textbook. Please bring the textbook for the first day, but you’re not required to read the first chapter.

Once again, I’m excited to have you in MIS 3534. Enjoy the rest of the break, and I’ll look forward to seeing you soon.

– min-seok