MIS 3534-001 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

Day 01 – Introduction

Day 1 – Discussion Questions

Yesterday, we discussed the following questions. Please post your thoughts on any of these questions.

  • Should a CIO be chosen among technically-trained managers or business-background managers?
  • Which skill is easier to learn? IT or Management?
  • Why do you think the board of directors chose Mr. Barton as a new CIO?
  • What does it mean by “IT management is about management”?
  • What does it mean by “IT department is positioned to understand how the business works better than any other department” ?
  • What are the common characteristics of the CIOs, who we saw in the videos, in Walmart, Harrah’s and the United States?

Day 1 – Introduction – Video Links

Todd Park and Steven Van Roekel – TechCrunch


IS in Action – Wal-Mart Supply Chain – CNBC


Harrah’s Entertainment CIO – ZDNet


Keynote Address, Rob Carter, CIO Fedex – PointThink
