Internet Enabled Supply Chain

MIS 3537 – Spring 2017

Midterm Exam: Study Guide, Sample Test, Case

The Midterm exam will be conducted by Blackboard in-class on Monday February 27.

Some specifics:

  • The test will consist of all the topics that we discussed in the class, as well as the material posted by the instructor on the course blog.
    This study guide contains the list of relevant topics.  While I have tried to make this list as comprehensive as possible, I may have inadvertently missed a topic or two, which may be included in the exam.
  • The test will be administered on-line during class using Blackboard.  Come to class prepared with your laptop and be ready to access the Blackboard system to take the test.
  • The exam is open book / open notes.
  • Maximum amount of time to complete the exam is 75 minutes.
  • Exam is approximately 25 questions (variety of formats i.e. Fill in blank, multiple choice).
  • Here is a copy of a sample midterm exam.
  • Some of the questions relate to this realistic but fictitious small business case.  You are encouraged to pre-read, print, etc. the case prior to the exam and bring a copy to the exam.



Root Beer Game Deliverables: due March 20

MIS 3537:  Internet & Supply Chains

Due Date: March 20

We will complete the Root Beer Game as per the following schedule:

1. Practice session in class (completed) – February 13

2. Completion of round 1 – in class February 20

3. Team decision (via e-mail to professor) on change to make in Round 2 – Saturday, February 25

4. Game reset and ready to start round 2 – February 27 (I will post a note on the blog)

3. Completion of round 2 and submission of deliverables – by March 20

Group members are not supposed to coordinate with each other during the practice session and round 1. They can coordinate for round 2.

In round 2, each team can make one of the following changes:

  • Point of sale (POS) information visible to all roles  (not just the retailer).
  • Shipping Delay reduced to 1 week from 2
  • Information Delay (orders) reduced to 1 week from 2

Note that the demand pattern may change between the different rounds. The intent of playing multiple rounds is to demonstrate how manipulating certain aspects of the game can influence the performance of the supply chain.

Here are the deliverables of the beer game (one submission per Beer game group or per person if playing single player):

1. Complete the performance spreadsheet of your group (click here)

2. Prepare a short writeup on how you played the beer game, what strategies you employed, and how your strategies changed when you played the beer game for the second time compared to the first time (you can use the questions below to prepare your talking points).

  1. What was your strategy in the game with respect to order placing and holding inventory?
  2. How was the communication and cooperation between various players in the group?
  3. When you played the game for the second time, how did your strategy change in terms of – ordering and inventory strategy? cooperation with team members?
  4. What lessons from the beer game would you give to supply chain managers?

Due Date: March 20

WWT ClearOrbit Case

MIS 3537

Internet Enabled Supply Chains

Due Date: February 13, 2016

Refer to the case “World Wide Technology and Clearorbit: Enabling Supply Chain Collaboration” on the HBSP website.

Answer the following questions briefly:

  1. Define these acronyms used in this case:  MRO; OEM; EDI, ERP
  2. What were the main challenges facing the OEM’s MRO purchasing operations?
  3. Why did WWT choose ClearOrbit’s POC software?
  4. What benefits did the OEM and WWT realize?
  5. What steps did OEM / WWT take to convince suppliers to use the new system?
  6. What other supply chain collaboration initiatives can OEM / WWT pursue?

Alternate Case 1 Assignment: Late Enrolees

Background: A few students enrolled in the class after the lecture in week 1 and didn’t have the opportunity to join a case group prior to the first case (Crocs) assignment being due.   Hence, as promised, this is the alternate assignment for those few folks.  This is not an extra credit assignment.

Value: This assignment will count the same as the Crocs case assignment for those few students who didn’t have opportunity to be part of case team in time for that assignment.

Assignment: In reviewing the literature, the web, your classes, etc. there are many examples of businesses / companies that employ unique and valuable supply chains.

Select one (1) of these businesses / companies that we did not discuss in a class case.  For that business /company write a 1-2 page white paper that:

  • Outlines the business model and specifically the supply chain for that business.
  • Describes what is unique about the supply chain or how it provides value to the company.
  • Describes how the use of I/T enables the uniqueness and/or value of this supply chain.
  • Defines other core competencies that assure this supply chain creates value to the company.

Note: Assume the White Paper is going to be read by busy Supply Chain Managers.   These busy managers (like some professors) are not looking for lots of words and filler – they want to know all the critical facts and ideas presented in a clear, readable and compelling manner.

Due:  February 20th (in-class)

Instructions for Beer Game

To prepare for the Beer Game, you should:

1. Visit the URL to complete the registration.   Note: each group member needs to register separately. Also,  this link is different from the one you download case studies.

2. Watch the video after completing the registration.

3. Form groups of exactly 4 (no more, no less – the software only permits groups of size 4) and write the names of your group members as a comment on this post (only one person per group need write).

4. Round 1 of The Beer Game will be held during class hours on Monday February 13th (Intro).  We’ll finish the game on Monday February 20th.

5. Students without a group can run the simulation as individual players.

Important: The game requires participation from all four members of a group – therefore, if one of your group members is not logged in or absent from class on Thursday Feb 4th or the 11th, your group won’t be able to play the game.  Please coordinate with your group members and make sure they are present in class.

An Extra Credit of 0.25 points can be earned for completing the steps 1,2 and 3 by Thursday February 9th @ 5:00pm.

New Age Warehousing

Warehouse management is a key challenge for companies selling goods on the internet. As we discussed in class, companies such as Zappos use robots to automate the process.  Here are a couple of videos about the Kiva Robots that Zappos uses.

Summarize the benefits of Kiva to Zappos.