MIS 3538.001 – Prof. Kimberly Jaindl

Course Structure & Grading

This course offers students multiple opportunities to demonstrate learning. The major components of the course grade are:

Deliverable Percentage
Class Preparation, Participation, and Attendance 25%
Exam 1 20%
Exam 2 20%
Interim Group Assignment 10%
Final Group Project 25%


Class Preparation and Participation

To encourage active learning, a portion of the course grade is earned through class participation. Evaluation of “Class preparation, participation and attendance” is based on a consistent demonstrated engagement throughout the course and proof of attendance (see additional details under “Proof of Attendance”).

The course material has been carefully chosen to bring the real world into class discussion while also illustrating fundamental concepts. Please make every effort to attend class each week. We will typically start each session with “opening” questions based on the course material. Students called upon should be able to respond with a succinct reply that demonstrates critical thinking around the key business issue, opportunity or challenge associated with the question.

If for some reason you feel unprepared to respond to a question, you may say, “pass.” Please keep the total number of “passes” to three or fewer over the course of the semester. If you are uncomfortable speaking up in class, prepare something ahead of time to say and make sure you participate in the smaller group work. Keep in mind that distractions during class, being unprepared, being tardy or leaving early can take away from participation.


Proof of Attendance

During each class we will have hands-on activities to practice applying learnings. These will be assigned, submitted and reviewed during class in order to serve as proof of attendance. In any circumstances regarding absences, tardiness, or early departure, you are responsible for obtaining all information, handouts, and assignments given in your absence. Office hours will not be an opportunity to review a lecture that a student has missed.

Students who experience an unavoidable situation that prevents them from attending class or completing assignments on time must inform me via email, prior to that class or deadline. The more advance notice I receive, along with a valid explanation, the greater probability of being offered some accommodation and/or alternative assignment at my discretion. You may earn class participation credit in this manner no more than twice during the semester.



There will be two exams during the semester that will cover class materials and learnings. The first exam will be on February 22nd and the second exam will be on April 5th. Make-up exams are scheduled only in cases of substantiated and unavoidable conflict. The student must notify me via email prior to the exam to reschedule. Sending an email does not guarantee approval of this make-up and any make-up granted is solely up to my discretion. If a student does not contact me prior to the exam day or does not get approval to make-up the exam before the exam date, the student will earn a zero on the exam.


Group Assignments & Final Group Project

There will be two group assignments due during the semester. Additional details will be provided in class and subsequently on this site. The final group project is intended to demonstrate the culmination of learnings throughout the semester.


Extra Credit

There will be NO opportunity for extra credit at student request. This is non-negotiable. Your final grade is final. Please do not request a change of grade for reasons other than mathematical error. Applying subjective standards after the fact invalidates the standards applied to the entire class and is unfair to every student.


Course Grading Scale

94-100 A 73-76 C
90-93 A- 70-72 C-
87-89 B+ 67-69 D+
83-86 B 63-66 D
80-82 B- 60-62 D-
77-79 C+ Below 60 F


Additional Grading Policies

Please note that it is against my policy to discuss grades on any test, graded assignment or any other direct component of your final grade via e-mail. If you would like to discuss how an assignment was graded, please make an appointment with me. Two weeks after a grade has been assigned, the grade will be considered “final.” If you have an issue with a grade you are required to meet with me or make an appointment to meet with me during this two week period. After this two week period a grade will be considered “final” and is not up for discussion.