Design Inquiry and Research: Fall 2015

Challenge Project Final Report

Final Deliverable due by 11:59pm on Oct 2


Each team will produce a final report of their Challenge Proposal using the same format.

You will use Powerpoint to create your report to combines graphic and written summaries.

A detailed structure for the document is provided in the link below.

You will be graded on the quality of your research (both qualitative and quantitative) and the insights you develop and your ability to translate these insights into evidence-based recommendations. You will also be graded on your ability to effectively communicate your insights and proposals VISUALLY.


Criteria:   DESIGNchallenge F15 summary documents

Persona images:  Persona people

Sample Assignment:  The following represents “A” level work from last Spring.  It is a very good summary of their proposal.  Unlike your class, they had only 1 week to research and create their proposal.  I expect your proposals to include more research depth, to reflect the work done throughout the course.

MIS 5303 SAMPLE final Summary


Submit your assignment and any photos or other documentation using the shared Google drive. In the folder labeled “Final Reports”. Create a folder with your “TEAM #”containing all of your documentation. Your summary must be in PPT format with images in the document and included as separate jpeg or pdf files.