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Data integrity Intern

Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania- Data Integrity intern

In this internship I am required to assist with overall database integrity within the salesforce database. This involves merging/cleaning accounts and finding trends in the data where errors can occur.


  1. recurring donations merging
    1. worked with donators who have set up donations recurring automatically every month/year/week
    2. some donations were duplicated and charge donators twice in their time frame instead of once
    3. some donations have duplicated donations that are deactivated taking up unnecessary space
    4. responsible for finding the best method to delete the duplicate recurring donation
    5. use SQL and salesforce to find all accounts with these errors

estate of contacts cleaning

    • when the database was transferred to salesforce some accounts were labeled estate (dead patient) when they should not have been
    • responsible for going through report of 500 accounts and reassigning them a new account (non estate) and new contact

This experience taught me how to better navigate a database especially in salesforce. Additionally, I learned how to effectively use and document SQL scripts in a real working environment.

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