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Full Time Summer Intern

Apro Resources, Inc. is an engineering automation company based in Ambler, Pa that works in the pharmaceutical industry. It is a smaller company a I mainly worked in coding for PLC/DeltaV systems and database management. specifically, I was tasked with completing training on DeltaV and PLC and worked with Microsoft Access to help organize the company’s timesheet database. During my time at Apro, I worked on a PLC project where chemicals were mixed and neutralized and created an animation and code for all parts of the process. Along with this project I learned proper documentation techniques and wrote and FDS and all required appendixes for the software and hardware related to my project. I was also given a copy of the company’s timesheet database code and was told to simplify the employee upload process. these experiences have taught me a lot about how to apply my knowledge to a real work environment. The access project helped me understand how ERDs and SQL queries can be usefully applied.

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