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Fall 2017

Leadership and Organizational Management

In this course, we learned different basic skills in business such as how to manage a business, how to work in teams, and skills required in business such as emotional intelligence. 

Intermediate Algebra

In this course, we learned the basic principles of algebra and also used different examples about business that helped us apply algebra to the real world.

Sport and Leisure in America

In this course, we learned the history of sports and how they evolved over time, as well as how much the sports industry effects the economy and is one of the largest businesses in America.

Introduction to Academic Discourse

In this course, we learned how to write an academic essay as well as how to write a formal email or letter to a potential colleague or employer. 

Creativity and Innovation

In this course, we learned how to use creativity and innovation in order to be more productive in business such as brainstorming techniques and how to work in teams. 

Spring 2018

Statistics: Quantitative Methods for Business I

In this course, we learned the basics of statistics in order to prepare us for the next statistics course as well as how to apply statistics in business. 

Macroeconomic Principles

In this course, we learned about the economics of the country as a whole and how businesses can effect an economy and be either efficient or inefficient in production. 

Legal Environment of Business

In this course, we learned about different laws that are applied in business and about different politicians and businesses that have had legal issues.

Analytical Reading and Writing

In this course, we furthered our knowledge and skills of writing essays and used celebrity culture as our main focus on writing these essays. 

Cyberspace and Society

In this course, we learned how to use different computer programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Dreamweaver. We also learned how to build and design our own websites on any subject we desired. 

Fall 2018

Statistics: Quantitative Methods for Business II

In this course, we furthered our knowledge of statistics and learned how to apply statistics in business at an even more in depth level. 

Intellectual Heritage: The Good Life

In this course, we discussed and read different novels and excerpts mainly about the concept of life and made formal essays about them analyzing the significance they have today.

Intro to Risk Management

In this course, we learned about the financial risks that are in business and how we can manage and minimize them.

Financial Accounting

In this course, we began to learn the fundamentals of accounting and how it is used in any type of business today as well as how to better manage our finances. 

Spring 2019

Microeconomic Principles

In this course, we learned about the economics of an individual group or business. This course was more in depth than macroeconomics which teaches you about economics at a national scale.

Information Systems Organizations

In this course, we learned the basics of information systems such as how to make and analyze swim-lane diagrams, entity relationship diagrams, and decision trees. We also learned the difference between information systems and information technology and how IS is used to evaluate, process, and analyze a company’s data in order to produce meaningful and useful information that will further grow their success. 

Intellectual Heritage: The Common Good

In this course, we discussed and read different novels and excerpts mainly about society today and the common good as well as wrote formal essays about them.

Managerial Accounting

In this course, we furthered our knowledge of accounting and learned how to manage accounting at a high level. 


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