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Center for Community Partnerships, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA

Administrative Office Support

This is my current job that I have had since January 2019. This is a student worker job for the Center for Community Partnerships, a newly created department that is designed to create opportunity employment for Philadelphians and strengthen the community around Temple. My job mainly consists of filing papers that come through our office in a timely and organized manner as well as sitting at a desk to answer any phone calls or emails that my bosses do not have time for. I am also required to occasionally use Microsoft Word and Excel to enter any type of data that may need to be put into the system.

Spectrum Floors, Cheshire, CT

Warehouse/Delivery Driver

I had this job during the summer from May to August 2018. Spectrum Floors is a commercial flooring company that is hired by large businesses such as universities and hospitals to install their flooring. My job consisted of two parts: warehouse and delivery. My main job was to deliver any materials or equipment to our carpenters that they may need as well as go pick up and bring back any extra materials or equipment they were done with. Whenever I didn’t have any deliveries to run, my job was to organize and maintain the warehouse. This included tasks such as organizing the boxes of flooring using a forklift, taking out the trash, cleaning equipment, sweeping floors, and taking inventory.

Westbrook Lobster, Wallingford, CT


I had this job in high school from September 2016 to August 2017. Westbrook Lobster is a high end seafood restaurant located in my hometown. My job consisted of greeting any guests that walked through the door and making sure they were seated on time and in the right section of the restaurant. Whenever I wasn’t busy helping guests, my responsibilities included answering the phone for take out orders and questions, cleaning, and helping any bartenders or waiters/waitresses that were overwhelmed and needed assistance.




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