Munir Mandviwalla

Professor, Milton F. Stauffer Senior Research Fellow
Executive Director, Institute for Business and Information Technology


Meta: Digitally Transforming Workforce Management at Scale and with Agility

Munir Mandviwalla, Laurel Miller, Larry Dignan


In March 2020, as COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, Atish Banerjea, the chief information officer of Meta Platforms Inc. (Meta) was tasked during a high-stakes senior management meeting with moving the company online. Banerjea knew that the future growth of Meta was dependent on talent and digitally enabling workers. He wondered how he was going to digitize Meta’s office-centric culture, in which almost all recruitment, onboarding, and workforce management activities relied on in-person engagement and processes. Until that point, all of Meta’s focus—and Banerjea’s mandate—had been to enhance in-person work. Banerjea assembled a team to rewire Meta’s onboarding and employee experience processes. They would have to quickly lead Meta’s pivot to remote onboarding and remote work around the world at scale.

Ivey Publishing, W33549_P, August 08, 2023

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