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Web Developer

Job function (e.g., overall role, assigned tasks)

Web Designer – Create and maintain company and client websites and web/contact forms using WordPress and custom code.

Examples of projects (e.g., list the projects you worked on and what you accomplished)

A large portion of my time at Momentum Digital was spent tailoring websites that Momentum was responsible for maintaining. I would go through web pages and check for any discrepancies then make changes as well as consult with clients on how to improve them. In addition to that, I created many basic web page templates and web forms. This was my favorite part of the internship, as I was able to use my front end development skills to create web pages from scratch using HTML, CSS and some JavaScript. I spent a lot of time styling the pages with CSS, which is something that we didn’t use much in MIS classes at Temple. Another interesting project I helped with was transitioning one client site from Squarespace to WordPress. This took about two weeks and offered more flexibility using WordPress that better reflected the company’s goal.

What you learned and how it relates to your major (e.g., describe what you learned from this experience in the context of specific courses)

Working as an intern for a marketing agency showed me a different part of web design that I didn’t learn as an MIS major. In the UX Design course offered at Temple, I learned how to create a website that includes all of the essentials to provide a well designed and informative site. At Momentum digital, I learned how to put quality information on the site that helps generate revenue. From a design perspective, you learn how to create an informative and aesthetically pleasing design, but from a marketing perspective, you learn how to design a website that will increase traffic and convert more sales. This internship showed me how marketing and technology go hand-in-hand.

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