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Student Worker for IT Services

  1. Temple University’s Information Technology Services is in charge of all of the technology for Temple University. The team is about 30 people and split into different specialties. I am working for the Enterprise Operations department.
  2. As a student worker, I am in work on maintaining server usage daily, problem solving when issues occur, and other long term projects.
  3. A big current project is updating all Windows 2008 servers to Windows 2012 R2 or Windows 2018. I am helping by reaching out to clients whose servers need upgrading, walking them through the process, and documenting the updates for our records. I also spend a lot of time maintaining safe memory levels on all servers and cleaning out drives or adding storage.
  4. I am learning about many different technical computer skills. I am applying the knowledge that I am currently learning in my IT Architecture class every day and I am constantly improving my ability to teach myself about different aspects of technology.

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