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About me

Hello everyone, my name is Mario Peoples and I am a Sophomore at Temple University. I currently major in International Business at the Fox School of Business, and minor in Spanish, with a plan to graduate in May 2015. I chose International Business as my area of study because of my cultural background, and my experience living in Mexico. I lived in Mexico for five years, where I went to school. There I was exposed to diverse cultures and businesses and that is also what provoked my interest in International Business and of course, Spanish language. During my extended stay in Mexico I was immersed in Hispanic culture and language, and as a result, I am fluent in Spanish.

To further enhance my knowledge of International Business and Affairs, I am going to Vietnam and Spain for a study abroad programs. With this experience I hope to gain knowledge in Asian, Pacific and European cultures, as well.

Being that the International Business field has endless possibilities, I am willing to go wherever the opportunities take me. Post-graduation, I want to pursue a career that will allow me to use my communication and language skills to conduct business with foreign investors and international firms.

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