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Before I switched to MIS I took a course called Creativity and Innovation. This course was split into two parts. The first part was about different methods on how to come up with more creative ideas, while the second part was about various entrepreneurship skills and using these skills to implement our ideas in a business setting. Even in a traditional work setting I can use the skills I learned in class to solve various problems that may arise in the workplace.

As an MIS major, during the Fall Semester of my Junior year I completed a course called Data Analytic. This course introduced various concepts and tools to interpret and make sense of data. I also learned how to use tools such as MySQL and R Studio. The skills that I learned will allow me to use the tools necessary to make sense of data throughout my career after college.

I have also completed Data Centric Application Development which is a course that introduces the tools necessary for building a functioning webpage such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, and AJAX. Another Course I completed during the Spring semester of my Junior year is Digital Solutions Studio which is a course that discusses concepts in Don Norman’s “The Design of Everyday Things” and applies them to websites in order to make websites easier to use and navigate for the user.

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