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Professional Development

As an MIS major we are all required to take part in various extracurricular activities that help prepare us for a career after graduation.

One of the first of these activities was developing this e-portfolio. More specifically I developed what is considered the Basic e-portfolio which consists of developing this website in WordPress with various pages about my background, my coursework, my interests, and linking my resume on the website. However, I have also completed the Advanced e-portfolio which goes more in depth on each of the categories, explains my professional development activities, and links a presentation that showcases my skills and experience. While developing this e-portfolio I learned how to use WordPress and I learned more about how websites and webpages are structured.

Another activity that I participated in was the Fox IT career fair during the Fall 2019 semester. This career fair was a MIS exclusive career fair where companies such as Vanguard, Wells Fargo, and QVC brought representatives to allow us to exchange information about possible job and internship opportunities. I also learned how to present myself and communicate in a professional setting.

Most recently, I participated in the 2019 IBIT/CDI Challenge. This challenge consisted of working in a group of four to analyze data provided by Alexion and answer the question: what makes rare disease clinical trials successful? I learned how to analyze large amounts of data (there were over 140,000 rows of data on the Excel file that was provided) and present it in an interesting way that effectively conveys important information. The presentation can be found below if you would like to take a look.

Alexion Presentation 2019

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