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Reading a book: The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker

  1. Reading a book: The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker
  2. Spring 2022
  3. Self-initiated
  4. I read a book, on my chair, in my bedroom.
  5. The basic idea, at least up to where I’m at, is that whether the human mind was actually a blank slate, a white canvas when we began to exist as a human being. Dualism is presented, which is a concept that believe the mind and the body are different components. To put it simply, if you use your mind to perceive your existence, you think of yourself as one wholesome being, even when you take away parts of your body, such as an arm or a leg, the mind, the awareness is still intact and able to perceive. It’s clearly a separate device. The threat of human nature regarding morality is not that our species doesn’t have enough morality, but it is that we have too much. The need to carry justice and implement punishment on others whenever injustice or unjust actions are done flows in our veins. Our morality doesn’t just stay within but it’s a network that we share with others that forms this complex society. The justification as of why an action is right or wrong isn’t just dependent upon the results of also the reason why it was done. Actions that have impacts on others are obviously comprehensible because it’s the influence on other beings, however, things that are keep private and not harmful to any other parties such as eating a dead pet, is still deemed wrong. Such behavior doesn’t have a direct negative or positive on anyone because it is kept private. Nevertheless, if we access the morality in that incident, we feel disgusted and that it should not be done.
  6. It relaxes the mind with fascinating theories and conundrums. Hence, better studying results.


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