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Nora Esack’s Interesting Facts Page


MIS Fun Fact Sheet

  • Favorite sports teams…
    • My favorite sports teams are the Phillies and Eagles.
  • Movie(s) I have watched over and over.
    • A movie that I can watch over and over is The Fantastic Mr. Fox or Coraline. I love the way they are made and the story lines.
  • Places I have lived…
    • I have only lived in Pennsylvania, but I lived in Bethlehem, Mechanicsburg, and Philadelphia.
  • Pets…
    • I have a German Shepard named Moose.
  • Apps I visit daily…
    • The apps I use the most are Instagram and Pinterest.
  • Favorite things to do outside of school & work…
    • My favorite things to do outside school and work are sewing, running, drawing, hanging out with my friends, and going to new places in the city.
  • Coolest thing I’ve ever done…
    • One of the coolest things I have done was actually this past weekend. I got the opportunity to sell some of the products I sewed at an art fest. It was such a wonderful experience, and I loved the process of preparing for it. It was so fun!
  • My proudest atypical accomplishment…
    • My proudest atypical accomplishment is that I am able to recite a French Poem that I learned in eighth grade word for word from my French class. I have no idea why it has stuck with me for so long, haha.

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