Temple’s Data Analytics Challenge
While fulfilling my science & technology general education requirement through the MIS Data Science course, I was offered the opportunity to participate in QVC’s Data Analytics challenge. The challenge involved answering a series of questions regarding a specific topic posed by entities such as QVC, Pfizer, and Comcast. Using extremely large data sets and software such as Tableau, the goal was to visualize the data in an effective way that also appropriately framed an argument or assertion. Getting hands on experience with Tableau was extremely very useful, and it pushed myself as a student to improve upon my ability to take raw data, interpret and process it, and transform it into valuable information. While I did not competitively place in this challenge, I felt proud of my work and enjoyed the challenge to myself that the work demanded; later on in the semester, I opted to complete it a second time for my own pleasure, sense of merit, and familiarity with visualization tools like Tableau.