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  • Cyber-democracy
  • Cyber-law
  • Cyber-security
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NATO involvement

During the Summer of 2014, I had the opportunity to particiapte in a NATO conference at Fulda, Germany. During the conference, I worked with military officers from 15 other NATO, and Partnership for Peace countries from four different continents under the Interallied Confederation of Reserve Officers.

During the NATO conference, under mock debates and meetings, we practiced using interpreters in overseas civil disputes, particiapted in NATO delegation meetings to debate future action aganist potential aggressors aganist allies, and studied the laws and restrictions of international war and conflict.

I have been invitied to apply for the next NATO conference for the Summer of 2015, which will be located in Washington D.C., and to also apply for Military Exchange Program opportunities which will allow me to attend training with a foriegn allied military.

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